Diet Customization

healthy food with muesli, honey, kiwi and cereals

The word “Diet” has become synonymous with weight loss. Dr. Tony Ganem customizes the types of foods one should eat, not for the purpose of limiting calories (or energy into the body), but rather to assure that the proper nutrients you might be missing are being provided and

Diet customization simply means that we are using the foods you eat to accomplish certain chemical changes in your body. Oftentimes, modifying what you eat can alter how your immune system reacts; it can alter how gut flora grow or die; it can affect constipation or diarrhea – positively. Modifying a diet can induce weight changes, help in the absorption of antioxidants, tame inflammation and more

Dr. Tony Ganem is well-known for prescribing a natural, anti-inflammatory diet as a starting point for many of his patients. Upon receiving labs and observing your positive changes, he makes modifications to your diet to expand your food list to ultimately provide you with a list that leaves you healthy and happy. This food list is uniquely designed for every individual member whose health issues require diet customization.

Dr. Tony provides a service in which patients who are within a membership can send him daily updates on their foods, exercise, sleep data, and more so he can help you attain a true lifestyle change
Learn more about Diet Customization and Diet Tracking by calling us, now!