
Our friendly, compassionate and competent staff is dedicated to you and will ensure your comfort and quality care. We provide the best and latest in technology and treatment options. We provide gentle, family-oriented care to the adults and children of our community here and surrounding areas.

Foods having Vitamins E


There are numerous factors that go into keeping our body well-fueled and with abundant energy. Our metabolism is a key component in how our body

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supplements that helps the body to recover

Adrenal Support

At BodyPro Wellness Center, we provide adrenal support for those suffering from imbalanced cortisol levels and DHEA levels. Too much cortisol in your system can

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Smiled pretty girl is looking on the laptop screen

Health Coaching

We’ve helped thousands of patients and clients find the root cause of their blood sugar issues, cholesterol issues, thyroid issues, digestive issues, pain issues, sleep

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Doctor or laboratory technician holds in one hand laboratory test tube

Cardiovascular Lab Testing

Through Health Coaching, we meet patients and clients every day who suffer from high blood pressure or high cholesterol. Many people treat the high cholestesterol

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Fresh herbs from the garden

Natural Medicine

We philosophically believe that the human body is God’s greatest creation. When functioning as it should, the body does some mind-blowing things – like: actively

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Doctor shows colon on virtual screen

Digestive Wellness

Oftentimes, we encounter people who inform us of digestive issues based on their ability or inability to have a bowel movement. But digestion is a

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healthy food with muesli, honey, kiwi and cereals

Diet Customization

The word “Diet” has become synonymous with weight loss. Dr. Tony Ganem customizes the types of foods one should eat, not for the purpose of

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