From the Blog

Feeling Under the Weather?

Portrait Of ill African American Woman Caught Cold

Do you really get sick with weather changes?

Getting sick when the weather changes is something you’ve come to expect. Every fall, winter, and spring you stock up on cold and allergy medicine as well as your favorite teas and soups, preparing for a week in bed. Did you know, though, that the changes in weather aren’t the reason you get sick?

Sure, changes in barometric pressure can cause migraines, joint pain, headaches, and can worsen sleep apnea (amongst other things), but weather changes don’t actually cause you to catch a cold or the flu. While the cold virus is able to replicate more quickly at colder temperatures, making it easier for you to come in contact with and catch a strain, the weather changes don’t compromise your immune system.

Although the weather changes don’t compromise your immune system, that knowledge doesn’t keep you from getting sick. So, what can you do to avoid feeling under the weather with weather changes? Here are some simple tips to follow:

  • Do get to bed early. Your body needs a certain amount of rest each night, and if you’re sick or trying to fight off illness, getting as much sleep as possible is a good way to give your body the chance to rejuvenate and have more energy to defend against seasonal sickness.
  • Don’t overexert yourself. Working out too hard or expending too much energy can cause your body to run down and make it easier for you to catch a bug. Don’t just stop exercising during the times of year when people tend to get sick most, but do take it easy.
  • Do drink LOTS of water. When you’re sick, you can easily get dehydrated. Staying hydrated is extremely important no matter what time of year, but especially when you feel like you’re under the weather. Sleeping with a humidifier is also a good idea when feeling sick, because it can help keep your airways from getting too dry.
  • Do wash your hands often. You’ve been told to do this since you were a child, so be sure to wash your hands often, especially during “sick season.”
  • Don’t lose the layers. During the spring, it can be tempting to trade out your turtlenecks for tank tops, but don’t go tanning just yet. Although the weather feels warmer and the sun shines more, wearing long-sleeved shirts and light jackets can help protect your body temperature from being too low.  Having a low body temperature makes it easier to catch a cold.

Want to optimize your health? We can help. Dr. Tony Ganem, D.C. provides health coaching and services to thousands – in person, over the phone, or via Skype. Contact us today.
